SPPQ 2006 Readme


Replication materials for Palazzolo & Moscardelli, "Policy Crisis and 
Political Leadership:  Election Law Reform in the States after the 2000 
Presidential Election."  STATE POLITICS AND POLICY QUARTERLY (2006).

There are seven (7) replication-related files associated with this paper.  
Descriptions follow:

1.	"Readme_04-23R.txt" is this file.
2.	"Codebook_04-23R.txt" is the codebook for the dataset.  It is created with 
STATA's "codebook" routine.   
3.	"Replication_Data_04-23R.dta" is a STATA7 *.dta file (16 variables; state 
is the unit of analysis).  
4.	"replicate04-23R.do" is the STATA *.do file that replicates the published 
results.  It also includes the syntax used to create the interaction term 
included in the model in Table 1.

5.	"Replication_Data_04-23R.xls" is the dataset saved as a MS Excel 4.0 

6.	"Replication_Data_04-23R.sav" is the dataset saved as an SPSS 12.0 *.sav 

7.	"Replication_04-23R_Archive.zip" is a *.zip archive of the first six files 
in this list.

Note:  The model in the paper was estimated using STATA 9.

Authors' contact information:

Daniel J. Palazzolo (dpalazzo@richmond.edu)

Vincent G. Moscardelli (vmoscardelli@polsci.umass.edu)