
Vin Moscardelli is a political scientist (Ph.D. Emory University) whose research and teaching interests include the U.S. Congress, elections, and political leadership. His work on these topics has appeared in numerous outlets, including The Journal of Politics, Polity, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, American Politics Research, Congress and the Presidency, Social Science Quarterly, and Social Networks. His current research projects investigate the effects of scandals in congressional elections and the politics of congressional primaries. The latter project is supported by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Moscardelli regularly provides expert commentary on state and national politics for print, radio, and Internet news outlets with local, regional, and national audiences, including The Hartford Courant, Connecticut Magazine, The Boston Globe,, Investor’s Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal,,CQ’s Politics Daily, National Journal, WNPR, WFCR, WAMC, ABC News Radio, and Public Radio International.

In 2003-04, he served as an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow in the office of United States Senator Richard J. Durbin. In 2003, he was named “Best Chapter Advisor” by Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society. He serves on the editorial board of Congress and the Presidency: A Journal of Capital Studies. He joined the faculty of the University of Connecticut in 2008, and he currently serves as the Director of UConn’s Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships, a position he has held since fall 2016.

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